
Diagnostic Hearing Assessment

Diagnostic Hearing Assessment

MedEar’s diagnostic hearing assessments are completed by a Doctor of Audiology who is regulated by CASLPO.  We use state-of-the-art equipment and technology to assess your hearing and communication needs.  Completing all of these tests during your 1-hour assessment provides the audiologist with important information on your auditory system is working. Based on these test results and patient communication concerns, amplification options such as hearing aids, assistive devices or medical referral to an Otolaryngologist may be made.

The follow tests are performed during a hearing assessment at MedEar:
-Case History & standardized questionnaires: Obtain information relevant to patient and their chief complaint.
-Video Otoscopy: To examine the health of the internal auditory canal and tympanic membrane. Patient’s will be able to see what the audiologist sees – their ear canal and ear drum.
-Tympanometry: Tests the mobility of the tympanic membrane and ossicles by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal.
-Acoustic Reflex Testing:An objective test that measures the contraction of the middle ear muscles in response to loud sounds.
Speech Testing in Quiet: Purpose is to determine patient’s optimum performance for word recognition under controlled and standardized conditions.
-Speech in Noise: Measures how well a person will understand speech in background noise.
-Pure Tone Air and Bone Conduction Testing: Used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual enabling the determination of the degree, type, and configuration of a hearing loss.

How often should you have a hearing assessment?
You probably see your Dentist every 6-9 months for a teeth cleaning and assessment and you probably see your Optometrist ever 2 years to have your eyes tested – but when was your last hearing test?
Starting at the age of 40, a hearing test should be part of your annual physical every two years. Hearing loss often occurs gradually, making it challenging to recognize when you have it. It is also great to establish a baseline for your hearing should any conditions arise we have something to compare to.

Schedule an appointment with us and take control of your hearing health!