
Earwax Removal

Earwax Removal

    • Earwax – medically known as cerumen is a naturally occurring substance of the external auditory canal. A wax-like substance is secreted from the glads in the external auditory canal. Earwax does not typically cause problems for us – actually cerumen is a protectant of our ears. Without earwax, dirt, environmental debris and even bugs could cause big problems for our ears. However, a build up of ear wax can cause complications such as hearing loss, ear fullness, pain, dizziness, chronic couch and infections.If you are a hearing aid wearer, earwax can clog the microphones or receivers of a hearing aid, which can negatively affect the performance, sound quality, and patient acceptance.For Your Safety:
      If an object is smaller than your elbow, please do not use it to remove earwax from your ears! Objects such as q-tips, car keys, the stem of eyeglasses, can all push the earwax blockage further down the ear canal, or the eardrum can accidentally burst. Also, ear candling is NOT recommended and Health Canada advises against it as research has shown no medical benefits, and can result in serious injury.

      What MedEar Can Do For You!
      Our audiologist is regulated healthcare professional with cerumen management in her scope of practice. Earwax removal at MedEar includes the use of sterilized tools such as a lighted loop curette to remove the wax from the ear canal safely.