


What is Tinnitus?
At some point in your life, you may have heard a ringing/buzzing/chirping noise in your ears. This is what is called tinnitus. There are many different causes for tinnitus such as earwax, loud noises, …. Tinnitus is a symptom of SOMETHING, not a disease in itself, tinnitus is not something to push aside. I’m sure you’ve talked to your doctor or your friend and have heard there’s nothing that can be done. While your doctor is correct that there is no magic pill or cure for tinnitus, MedEar can help diminish the sound or annoyance of the tinnitus.
Our Doctor of Audiology will perform a diagnostic hearing test to evaluate the health of your auditory system. Each appointment will take around two hours. Detailed case history including standardized patient questionnaires. Tinnitus/loudness matching is used to help patients identify their specific perception of tinnitus. Sound matching provides an important baseline for subsequent tinnitus management therapies which are often customized for each patient.
With each individual test results the audiologist will provide in depth tinnitus counselling and education and tinnitus management recommendations will be made, just like everyone’s tinnitus is unique and has a different reaction, the tinnitus management program will be tailored to each specific need. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our clinic, we are happy to answer your questions and schedule you an appointment.

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